
May 13, 2011

Eggcellent Project

One of my favourite project of all times is the egg project from first year uni.

Assignment: Send a raw egg to the prof. via regular Canada Post.
The Challenge: use only two materials plus brown paper and twine.
The Catch: if the egg breaks during the process of mailing or unboxing, an automatic
-50% will be deducted from your grade for this assignment. Highest grade is awarded to "the smallest, most recyclable, most sustainably, most daring, most ingenius design".

The dreadful lineup

Mine was definitely not an ingenius design... but it was the 6th smallest :D It's cheaper to buy two dozen eggs than to mail one egg, seriously.

My box

I made my box with cardboard and yarn. Tied the sides of the box together and voila! The width measures at just 3" long!

Egg scarf?

I used the same yarn from the box and loomed the yarn to the desirable length - same way you'd loom a scarf. Wrapped it around the egg to protect it during the process of transporting and for decorative purposes.

In class

The label on my box actually said "send this egg to *insert address*" and that's when I realized that I had forgotten to cut off the "send this egg" part of the label LOL. The postman at the post office probably thought I was a crazy girl or something... oh well.

When the day came, the prof brought all the eggs he had received from the postman and we had to open one by one O_O Now, you have to be careful how you open it because if it breaks on the spot, you will get penalized. Good ol' me back in first year *sigh* My egg came in one piece :D wohoo!

The mess.

There was definitely a mess we made from all the unwrapping and unboxing. You can see a couple of designs from my fellow classmates. So what do you think? Cool project?


  1. Oh wow, that is such a cool project. But I'm not sure I would enjoy it because I would totally have a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN.. holy friggin -50%?!?! I would've crapped my pants hahaha. And did you knit that little scarf there? I've seen people knit and it confuses the hell out of me :P

  2. That is an awesome project!! How creative. We don't get assignments like that for me - I suppose I should be thankful though, because I'd fail if 50% was deducted for breaking the egg. Haha. I'm not the gentlest person in the world with fragile things!

  3. wow that is such a cool project, i wish i had cool projects to do when i was in school lol
    the yarn is such a creative idea too!

  4. so nice! i will be nervous and scared that it will deducted 50% =( that's a lot!!

  5. @Helen; yeah, they don't know what they're missing out on! Pocky is no.1!

    what subject is this? LOLOL. cool project to observe. i suck at this sort of stuff so my egg would probably break. 50% for me on the spot! xD

  6. Wow, great project! I love how you guys get to do such creative things. The summum of creativity in my major is making a powerpoint presentation -___-
    Did the teacher reveal which design he thought was best?


    *takes a bow, Haha ^^ Chinese is fun! talking about foreign people speaking fluent Chinese, check out
    he is soooo pro at Cantonese! i learn Cantonese from him. :)

  8. This is such an awesome project! It reminds me of something I did in middle school where we had to make a contraption for an egg to survive a drop from a 2-story building. It was really fun and messy. I sure has hell did not to anything this interesting in first year of university :(

    Also, I noticed that you've been following me on Google for awhile. I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about the giveaway I'm hosting. I'd really love for you to enter and I'd hate to see you lose the opportunity. Click here for more information!

    Take care!

  9. this sounds like a fun project. how many of the eggs broke? i'm surprised to see a lot of them in the last picture had stayed as one.

  10. Sweet, that sounds like such a fun project. I never get to do things like this in school!

  11. that's a super cool project. what school do you go to?

  12. @Natalie Nguyen
    I sure did make that "scarf"! I made it from a rectangular plastic loom though, not sure if you have ever seen one in the crafts section. It's like knitting for dummies XD so no knitting or crochet needles required!

    @huy tran
    I don't remember the name of the course lol.. too long ago >_< but most of my classes involve creative thinking, except the lecture classes - yuck. lol

    My Canto is horriblee! I can sound it out in my head and it "sounds" like as if a Canto person is speaking it.. but when I actually do speak, it sounds nothing alike *sigh* I need Canto 101. (But that guy is good!!! omg.)

    Hey, you can be fancy with powerpoint too XD Use all those cool effects haha! Don't over use them though =p You should try Prezi, it's a pretty cool presentation thing that you can use directly online.

    I think some profs are going the egg drop thing too, not from 2-story high but just across the room. They only get one piece of 8.5x11 paper though.

    I think one broke during the mailing process and Canada post had to put it in one of their "damaged item" bags. Another girl accidentally dropped the egg while she was unboxing... but I think the prof didn't take off an entire 50% since it didn't come broken. Overall, just those 2 people and maybe 1 more person out of a class of 24-ish.


  13. what a cool project!! what are you taking in school right now? i never had profs that would think up of cool projects like this lol and that's totally awesome your egg didn't crack! AMAZING!

  14. yeaa i rarely drink coffee too! but i couldnt pass a green tea frap!! i love green tea but i hate coffee lol..

    and i really thought molly would win cuz brittani fell on her runway and the whole giggle thing but im glad she wonn!! i dont like molly's attitude and she looks mean sometimes.. hannah was soo sweet and genuine i think too bad she couldnt make it to top 2 =[

  15. =O How dare you not like Soy Milk..!! My sisters don't like it either actually haha. Maybe you haven't tried the best kinds/brands, then again my sisters don't care for those either haha.

    Hmm... I'm afraid to say the Soybean paste tastes different to Soy Milk- because in my opinion it does... but you never know if these Soy products are somewhat similar depending on the person trying it =S

  16. Oh yay! I can't wait for your next post! I'll be sure to get on that baking post too since you say you love blueberries. It was so good to eat hehe ^^

  17. Helennnnn I'm so boreddddd, there's nothing open around me tpday. Where's your new post- entertain meeee haha.

  18. @Natalie Nguyen
    haha.. i was thinking the same thing XD where is my next post?! =p I'm working on ittttt!

  19. That is sht emost epic school project ever! We did something like that only we had to use peanut butter! XD
