Drawing isn't my forte to my honest but I think if I had taken some sort of private lessons when I was younger, I could draw a lot better now. We were put to the test in my Advertising Concept class to kick off the semester with a self portrait. I had five minutes to draw this with my wrong hand (I'm a righty so I drew this with my left hand).
This is what I came up with. Funky eh? I didn't want to use the typical sketching method so I used a red pen =D I think this defines me quite well.
I took Editorial & Publication Design 2 as my elective for this semester. I'm considering going into this field if I decide not to stay in Advertising when I graduate next year. I had to make an exact copy of a page from a magazine.
Must admit it wasn't the most exiting assignment but it taught us important terminologies which will be useful later on.
And finally in Copywriting class, we had to write a story of either why we are studying advertising or who we are.
There are two incidents in my life thus far in which I have been a disappointment to my mom. Funny enough, the first incident occurred during her first pregnancy, or rather I should say, my birth. At times she tells me that she had wanted a boy; let’s just say that when I “popped out” I wasn’t exactly what she wanted. To make matters worse, she chose a unisex name for me just so that I could be more of a “tomboy”. So as a child, I wasn’t keen on my image; I struggled to rock my Bruce Lee hairstyle in my over-the-knee floral dresses; I played tag with the boys more often than skipped ropes with the girls, and I had more Power Rangers than Barbie dolls. It took a couple of years to strip off the tomboy image but the girl underneath the make-up, the purple hair and behind the pink laptop today, is still a tomboy at heart.
The second disappointment to my mom was probably when she discovered that I am artistically inclined; inheriting it from my grandfather who is an artist. Throughout middle school and high school, I have always spent more time doing homework for visual arts than for any other subject. When the time to put together a portfolio came along, I was willing to cut and burn a couple of ****** in the hopes that the interviewer will see something different that will distinguish me from the rest of the interviewees. Of course, my mother was absolutely against such sinful acts, but I did it anyway. I considered it as my first step to being different from everyone else. It made me realize that I am not just another girl in the crowd — I am unique. And although I am one of twenty in a class, I hope to stand out from the rest.
(****** I've gotten in too much shit for doing this so I have to censor it sorry.)
I might've exaggerated a little with my mom being disappointed with me but I know she loves me and she's fine with what I do now. Although I'm sure most asian parents would rather their child(ren) become lawyers or doctors, but let's face it, not everyone can and not everyone will.