
Aug 27, 2010

Boys had Cooties

Yup, been there, thought that haha. Seems just like yesterday that I believed in cooties. This non-existent yuckiness sure made girls and boys stay away from each other in elementary school =) But as we get older, we develop feelings (uhh love perhaps?) that cannot be blocked off no matter what we do. These people who we once thought had cooties are probably dating now. Soon enough, they'll get married... and maybe soon enough a divorce. Who knows, this world is pretty messed up.

Moving on though, I met up with a couple high school friends today to talk about life, school and BOYS! (hence the title for this post)

Waiting at the bus stop.

Q: Where do you live Helen?
A: Near constructions sites and fields. There's a corn field here actually, let's go steal some corn =)

Photo credit: Google Map

We planned on meeting at Yonge and Finch, which is kind of like the central point of where we all live now =( My friend suggested a Korean restaurant called Soban right at the corner of the intersection as you can see above. However, when I got there. I realized that it doesn't exist!!! It is now called Krazy Wings haha and where I placed the X is now a bubble tea stand. *sigh* So we just went next door to the smaller Korean restaurant called.. Table BBQ O_O

Side dishes.

Let me just begin by saying I don't recommend this place. They brought us hot tea but when my friend asked for hot water, the lady goes: "we don't have hot water." Kinda makes you wonder how they make tea then huh? I tried the seaweed, not terrible but not good either. The kimchi was so-so. I didn't get to try the radish 'cause I forgot =( The rest, wasn't interested in.


Forgot to try this too haha. Was busy talking and when I realized I forgot, it was already too cold.

Lunch Special: Bulgoki

Okay, the bulgoki wasn't bad but I've tasted better, from a food court!!! Seriously, I've had bulgoki 10 times in the last hree months from this Korean place in the food court by my school and it tastes better than this thing here. I enjoyed the potatoes 'cause they were sweet XD The salad was icky.

At the end of the day though, it wasn't really about the food. It was about spending time with old friends.

Aug 20, 2010


30 days, I had my hair in three different styles. Which one is your favourite?

My hair grows extremely slow and took me way too long to get to this length *sigh*

I had fun with a curling iron. Minnie Mouse anyone?

Decided to get a haircut before school begins. The girl cut it way shorter than I wanted. Oh well, hair will grow back.


To accept change is to accept growth. If we don't grow, we will never learn. If we never learn, we can only stand still while the rest of world continues to move forward. Always look forward and never look back.

Love everyone around you because one day you may lose your loved ones. If you have treasured every moment spent with them, then you will not have regrets. Sometimes the best way to attain happiness if to know when to let go.

p.s cherish

Aug 12, 2010

A song written for me

Well, not really. This song is from 1993 but it is called Je M'appelle Hélène (My name is Helen in French)!!! I've known this song for about seven years now and I absolutely love it! Here's the original music video:
Hélène Rolles - Je M'appelle Hélène 

Then as I was looking up the video on youtube, I came across the chinese version! It's not from the direct translation of the original version but ironically it's exactly how I feel right now. This will be my song on repeat for the next while hehe. Sorry for those who can't understand Mandarin =( But isn't the melody itself so soothing?

Joi Chua (蔡淳佳) - 依恋

Don't worry though, I have the English translation of the French version =)

My name is Helen
I am a girl like the others

I have my joys, my sorrows
They complete my life
Like you, I would like to find love
Simply to find love

My name is Helen
I am a girl like the others

If my nights are full
Dreaming dreams of poems
I do not have anything else
I would like to find love
Simply to find love

And even
If one sees me in all the newspapers each week
Nobody awaits me the evening when I return late
Nobody makes my heart beat when the projectors die out

My name is Helen
I am a girl like the others
I would like to find love
Simply to find love

And even
When on TV
You look at me
To smile and sing
Nobody awaits me the evening when I return late
Nobody makes my heart beat when the projectors die out

My name is Helen
I am a girl like the others

And all my sorrows
Will find the lapse of memory
One day or the other
When I would find love
When I would find love

Aug 11, 2010

When I grow up, I want to be a... (part 1)

The very first time that I indirectly encountered this question was in kindergarten. I was asked what I liked to draw by my teacher one day and I replied without any hesitation: "houses". She asked me why I liked to draw houses, and I replied in all honesty: "so that people can live them". That was all it took to trigger my brain into start thinking about the inevitable question of what I wanted to be when I grow up. Was is a sign that one day I'll become an architect? An artist? A builder? If you want to know what I finally decided on many years later, then keep on reading~!

End of first year preschool, right before I turned three. Can you find me? If you look closely, all the girls have a red dot in the middle of their forehead.. everyone did it in China at the time. Don't ask me why, it's stupid now looking back.

End of second year preschool, right before I turned four. Can you find me? Sucks to sit in the rain to take a picture.. why couldn't they reschedule?

End of first year kindergarten, right before I turned five. Can you find me? It was this school year that I said I liked to draw houses =)

End of second year kindergarten, right before I turned six. Can you find me? By the way, the lovely teacher on the left side once told me that I was her brightest student in the class.. and I agree =)

My first graduation! Boy I was so ready for grade one after four years of school already! All I remember on this day was that we were all taking our naps then one by one we were dragged outside to take this photo.

This is how I fly, 11 years old.

As a child in elementary school, and like many other children, I didn't exactly know what I wanted to be when I grow up. But when I was around seven years old, becoming a flight attendant was a very popular career for young girls in China at the time. I was told that the only requirements for flight attendants were that they had to have a pretty face along with a nice body. Well, let's just say I kinda failed both criteria. Although it was probably too early to tell at the time, I still wasn't too fond of fearing for my life all the time while working. However, I do still think about this possibility today but not being able to have a set schedule is a real turn off. Also, I don't adjust to jet lag very well *sigh*

In front of the Shanghai Dance School, I was 12 when I visited.

I've always been known as the skinny girl. Maybe it's in my genes or maybe it's because I've always been a picky eater. But if it wasn't because of immigration, I probably would've went to ballet school to become a ballerina. Did you know the parents of children who want to study at the Shanghai dance school will bribe teachers to accept their children? Aside from your family background ($$$), the child also need to have a proportionate body (shorter upper half, longer legs). I neither had the body nor the flexibility so I wouldn't have qualified anyway lol. But you have to admit, I can totally pull it off as a ballerina =)

Trying to teach myself piano one summer... didn't go so well.

People have also suggested that I should become a model. Being a young girl, modeling sounded very attractive. Strutting down a runway with pretty designer clothes was every girl's dream. But his "short" lived dream failed almost immediately because I obviously wasn't tall enough. And it didn't help that I didn't look like I was gonna be 175cm+ (5'9''+). So modeling didn't work out but I wasn't sad because I got over this one very fast. In fact, how many years can a person model anyway? Not a lifetime that's for sure.

It was in fourth grade that I directly encountered this question finally for the very first time. We had to fill one of those "all about me" sheets in class and of course there just had to be a line dedicated to this topic. All my previous materialistic dreams didn't exist in my brain anymore because after immigrating to Canada, my life changed completely. I remember I contemplated between becoming a doctor or a lawyer. Asian stereotype much you say? I do want to make it clear that my parents never forced this thought upon me. They only demanded good grades (all A's, which I finally and only achieved this in grade six). But I guess I lacked knowing other possible careers that I just stuck with the common and obvious. Anyway, I do remember putting down lawyer on that sheet and that was pretty much the end of that.

This concludes the childhood portion. To be continued with my teen years in part 2 =)

Aug 5, 2010


August 5, 2010 6:35am - Sunrise

One day I will be on top of the mountain and witness sunrise in full view.